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Food Psychiatry: An Effective Mental Health Strategy to Improve Treatment
The brain is more than just a "chemical imbalance" needing medications; it's also a metabolic regulator - so what we eat matters (which gets into the gut-brain connection topic, too). The new exciting field of nutrition psychiatry.
My Identity in Mental Health and How God Sees Me
Social and spiritual stigma can often create a false sense of identity for those living with mental health difficulties and disorders … self-stigma. With the right tools we can create a better narrative about ourselves and how God truly sees us!
How can I find hope when struggling with mental health challenges.
Mental health recovery is a whole-health growth process, a transformation in resilience for improving overall well-being (physical, mental, spiritual, and relational). This whole-health approach utilizes a two-fold system from what psychology calls “primary control” (environmental management) and “secondary control” (internal management). Over time, the person becomes more resilient with personal growth, improved well-being, and life satisfaction.
3 Ways I Got Unstuck from Anxiety & Depression
“This is gonna disqualify me.”
Have you ever had that thought? It’s what I pondered when I completed my training as a mental health therapist and was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Dysthymia (Persistent Depression). The latter meant that I had been suffering worse than I had realized (because the diagnosis requires two years of active symptoms). How could this be?