Help us keep Christ-centered mental health free worldwide.
“Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy grain and eat. Come, buy wine and milk Without money and without cost [simply accept it as a gift from God].”
— Isaiah 55:1 (Amplified)
Your gift works and reaches thousands.
Our programs are supported by four independent studies, with participants demonstrating:
Decrease in difficult symptoms
Aided in mental health recovery and trauma recovery/healing
Spiritual renewal
Training empowers confidence to respond to mental health needs.
Since 2011, we’ve seen 1,200+ groups start worldwide and our resource materials distributed to over 25,000 people in 35+ countries.
Every donation helps someone save nearly $600.
Each person saves more than $90 in workbooks and $500 in free training and support from donations … and so much more with our free education guides, devotionals, and subscription-free blog articles.
Since August 2024, our donors have provided over $180,000 in free resources to more than 30 countries.
*(Hard copies are still available through Amazon).
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We appreciate and respect every donor feeling confident about their donations.
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Click to learn more about the Grace Alliance’s solution and model.
Grace Alliance workbooks and groups at churches, group homes, shelters, schools, and professional clinics.
“We are so excited about these resources! We have a residential home for girls … and will be using the workbooks in our group and individual therapy sessions. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sharing with and giving to the Body of Christ in this way!”
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Whether you're a small, medium, or large business, church, professional clinic, or established foundation, your partnership is helping to transform lives, strengthen communities, and shape a new future for mental health.
Mental Health Grace Alliance is a 501(c)3 organization. All contributions are tax-deductible. MHGA Federal ID is 27-3845241.
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Made out to: Mental Health Grace Alliance
Mail to: Mental Health Grace Alliance
P.O Box 23401
Waco, TX 76702
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Major Donors.
Are you representing a foundation, organization, or business, or are you interested in making a larger personal donation to Grace Alliance? If so, we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding grant applications, corporate sponsorships, or other opportunities.
To learn more about supporting Grace Alliance’s impact please contact our donor development, Dave Grinsell, dave@mhgracealliance.org to meet up with he and Co-founder, Joe Padilla.
Donor reports — Your generosity in action.
85¢ of every dollar goes toward reaching individuals, families, churches, ministries, and communities worldwide with MHGA resources and training.
See the impact in our monthly email donor reports
Many stories of grace transformation!
“Grace Alliance provides the training, curriculum, and ongoing support for the group facilitators which is priceless. They seek input from those of us on the front lines (group leaders) to ensure that they are on the right track and provide us with the best support.
.... I am grateful to all who have contributes to the Grace Alliance, My group, and my own recovery. We are seeing lives changed and people set free.”
“Grace Group has become a new staple in my life... to look at truths from the Bible and how it applies to mental health, with people who understand the struggles and difficulties. I am blessed and thankful that God brought this Group... to help me know that I’m not alone.”
“I have been facilitating a Living Grace Group for about 5 years. The themes discussed cut across all denominations and Christian backgrounds. I find the Living Grace model a great resource for discussions that are pertinent for people with brain disorders.”
“I was overjoyed when I found Grace Alliance 4 years ago. Living Grace has changed my life; it finally joined my faith and mental wellness skills. I am so thankful to be a group leader and to be able to share the curriculum with other women. The Lord is transforming lives and I get to be a part of that.”
”Mental Health Grace Alliance has been an answer to prayer for our families at Lakeland Community Church and they are a pleasure to deal with! I highly recommend their workbooks and training!”
“Grace Alliance has allowed churches to open their door and embrace the mental health and wellness of their members. With the incredible curriculum offered through these three books, groups unlock successful tools and God’s loving words to begin finding joy in every day life! Our Family Grace group brings each of us a sense of peace, deep conversations and the ability to learn from the proven curriculum ... (The) Grace Alliance staff has used their experiences, the Word and collaboration to bring all of us the opportunity to thrive in life! Grateful!”
“As a Christian, mental health counselor, and retired teacher, I was thrilled to find the group workbooks at the Grace Alliance. For years I could see a connection between some Christian practices and scripture with good mental health counseling, but I couldn’t put into words the connection or describe it to others ... The Grace Alliance has now provided a connection with all of this. I am leading a high school group with my youth pastor that is going well. I hope to lead future groups and will use the many resources the Grace Alliance provides. ”
“Living Grace is simple and very effective. It’s the merging of professional and spiritual tools, to benefit the individual, in their journey. To observe the faces, as well as the change in confidence of our ladies in the group, from week one, to week 16, is such an amazing experience! Transforming and breaking that stigma! ”
“Our Family Grace group is a testimonial in itself! A couple in our church wanted to start a Christian mental health group through the support of our church so they could help out their son. Our church said no at first. Now several years later we have a Family Grace group led by my husband and me to help that couple and many others. What a blessing this group has been! Praise the Lord and Amen!!”
“The following are some written comments from my group members about Living Grace:
”It made it a lot easier to bounce back without drugs.”
”We know we aren’t alone in our struggles.”
”I liked learning ways to be calm and more resilient.”
Thank you so much for all the work you put into serving us.”
“The Family Grace group has changed my relationship with my loved one who has suffered from mental health issues for 20 years, and it has changed me. It’s changed the dynamic of my family from a life of constant crisis to one of respect, understanding, and grace. As a group facilitator, my experience is that the material and support from Grace Alliance is solid and Christ-centered. The participants in my group all express how life-changing Family Grace is, and we are so grateful. ”
“My life has been profoundly impacted through both the Grace Alliance materials and by the loving people within the organization. Now I am beginning to see people around me breaking through barriers of negative preconceived notions of mental health. It is very encouraging! I think Grace Alliance is spreading and growing as quickly as it is because it is so easily accessible for everyone. The materials are in line with biblical principles, and therefore, applicable to life and health. ”
“As I read the [Grace Group Training] manual the first time, I cried - torn between the joy of seeing real hope, and regret for not having had a group like this when we were in the deepest part of our struggle. God has truly been gracious to us...”
Click here to visit our Donor FAQ page or contact us at admin@mhgracealliance.org.