Free Christ-centered mental health devotionals …what grace looks like in the mental health journey.
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Simplified for everyone:
These resources are helpful for individuals, couples, families, and church leaders seeking insights into the mental health journey.
Christian mental health devotionals with a grace-filled perspective.
It’s not about trying to find what’s wrong with your faith … it’s discovering what’s right about you and God to grow through the mental health journey.
Grace Alliance resources help you think differently about Christian mental health!
For individuals with mental health challenges.
Identity in mental health?
This devotional helps us understand our “identity” is not just memorizing new “characteristics.” Still, it’s more about our “relational identity” in and with Jesus (what’s behind the characteristics) … no matter your mental health condition.
Explore this refreshing and comforting concept in this three-day devotional experience.
For individuals with mental health challenges.
We can still grow (spiritually) in mental health challenges.
This devotional helps explore how and why Jesus helps us still grow no matter the mental health difficulty or disorder. We are sourced in an inseparable love that empowers growth … a “grace sufficient” realized.
Explore this refreshing and comforting concept in this three-day devotional experience.
For couples and families supporting their loved one’s mental health.
When they say, “Trust God” with your loved one’s mental health” … but what does that really mean?
This devotional helps us understand and explore a more beautiful meaning to this commonly used phrase with mental health challenges. He’s entrusted His Spirit in you … He trusts you, too!
Explore this refreshing and comforting concept in this five-day devotional experience.
Free Grace Alliance digital workbooks or purchase a hardcopy.