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Is Depression a Sin? No!
Is depression a sin? You can also include, anxiety, and any mental or emotional pain or diagnosis in that question. The short answer is, "NO!" Honestly, I think the question is based on the wrong image of who God is. As I look throughout the Bible …
6 Reasons Why Mental Health Challenges Are Not Signs of Weak Faith or Sin.
“This scripture almost sounds like James is addressing ‘weak faith’ (ask the elders to pray for you) as well as sin as a possible culprit (confess your sins…be healed). So, how does this scripture relate to someone dealing with mental health difficulties or disorders?"
How to Minister Grace, Truth, and Support for Mental Health Challenges (Scriptures and Science)
“Fight the good fight of faith, take hold of the eternal life to which you were called …” 1 Timothy 6:12
I have heard this scripture sometimes used as motivating counsel for people struggling with depression, anxiety and other life challenges. The premise is that life is a constant "spiritual battle" and we need to stay alert and motivated so "the enemy" doesn't destroy our lives. Other times I've heard this used to "fight" for new breakthroughs in your life.