Mental Health Recovery is Resilient Grace (3 Qualities)

In essence, mental health recovery has to do with 'resilience' ... a continuum of resilient growth vs. being cured.  In 2006, before "resilience" was popular, psychologist Dr. Salvatore R. Maddi explained resilience as ... 

"Hardiness: the courage to grow from stress." (1) 

Dr. Maddi highlights that hardy or resilient people possess three “Hardy C's” …

1. Hardy Challenge. 
Accepting the situation, and challenge as part of life, not failure.

2. Hardy Control.
They're not stuck and feel they can influence better outcomes for themselves (which is the definition of Biblical hope).  

3. Hardy Commitment. 
Accepts and stays involved with others to mitigate the challenge. (2)

In essence, what Dr. Maddi pointed out is that resilient people have a …

  1. Hardy attitude and perspective regarding their situation/self

  2. Hardy coping techniques and lifestyle (whole-health, whole person)

  3. Hardy Social Support System (because no one overcomes by themselves)

You see all these principles in change psychology and transformation theory ... but also in Scripture, our "in Christ" union and community (e.g., Rom. 5:1-5, Gal. 6:9-10).

We incorporate these principles throughout our resources with an underlying theme that "in Christ, we've been given a ...

.... Hardiness of grace, a resilient grace to grow from stress."

Share this with others for an exciting dialogue.

Joe Padilla | Grace Alliance

(1) Maddi, S. R. (2006). Hardiness: The courage to grow from stresses. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1(3), 160–168.

(2) Ibid


God’s Love in Mental Health Challenges, Not Distant