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Mental Health Ministry Mental Health Grace Alliance Mental Health Ministry Mental Health Grace Alliance

Why I Brought Mental Health Groups to Our Church

If you are reading this article then most likely you have a passion, burden or possibly a curiosity about mental health and the role the church can play in effectively caring for those affected by a mental health disorder.

The following are a few reasons why I got involved and took action to launch mental health support groups at our church.

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Where is God in this challenge? Mental Health Grace Alliance Where is God in this challenge? Mental Health Grace Alliance

How to Minister Grace, Truth, and Support for Mental Health Challenges (Scriptures and Science)

“Fight the good fight of faith, take hold of the eternal life to which you were called …” 1 Timothy 6:12

I have heard this scripture sometimes used as motivating counsel for people struggling with depression, anxiety and other life challenges. The premise is that life is a constant "spiritual battle" and we need to stay alert and motivated so "the enemy" doesn't destroy our lives. Other times I've heard this used to "fight" for new breakthroughs in your life. 

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Help for Depression & Anxiety & More Mental Health Grace Alliance Help for Depression & Anxiety & More Mental Health Grace Alliance

Gratitude: 5 Benefits You Get From It

If you’re anything like me, the Thanksgiving season does not magically produce a more thankful version of myself. In fact, it usually yields the opposite. I don’t know if it’s the shorter days with less sunshine or the never-ending end-of-year task list, but Thanksgiving seems to trigger even more stress, anxiety and bouts of depression. So, for many of us, we may just be trying to make it through.

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Where is God in this challenge? Mental Health Grace Alliance Where is God in this challenge? Mental Health Grace Alliance

Depression is Not the Sign of an Angry God, it's about grace.

"For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." This is the rebuke Jesus gave to his disciples, James and John, after a Samaritan village refused to welcome Jesus. The Samaritans were already "stigmatized" by the Jews and when they evaded a gesture of kindness, James and John were offended and had asked Jesus if they should "command fire to come down from heaven and consume them." An interesting story in Luke 9 (see v. 55). 

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Mental Health Ministry Mental Health Grace Alliance Mental Health Ministry Mental Health Grace Alliance

5 Simple Ways to Open the Door to Hope Today

I love this quote by Emerson, “Be an opener of doors.”

Will you and I become an opener of doors for those who are struggling in silence with mental illness?  Throughout our day, will we be intentional in prayers to our Lord, to give us opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others?  We can open doors to Hope with just a smile, an introduction, perhaps extend our hand, our time, and our hearts.

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