FREE Christ-centered mental health recovery + resilience to thrive.
For individuals + couples + families (and churches)
Join 25,000+ globally using Grace Alliance resources and groups for a Christ-centered mental health recovery approach.
Join a group in-person or online, or use the workbook for your personal journey.
Free guides, devotionals, and blogs that answer questions and finding hope.
Free training and support to start a group, either in-person or online.
Grace Alliance groups in the U.S. and war-torn refugees have been proven to:
+ Aid in mental health recovery
+ Significant trauma healing
+ Renew faith, spiritual life
A Christ-centered approach that combines Scripture and practical tools to help individuals, couples, and families achieve mental well-being and healthy lives.
Groups are being facilitated worldwide in/with:
+ Churches (ecumenical)
+ Para-church ministries
+ Church + City Resource/Community Centers
+ Group homes and shelters
+ Individual advocates
+ Mental health coaches
+ Mental health professionals (clinics/practice)
+ Christian schools + Universities