Mental Health Grace Alliance

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5 Landmarks for Mental Health Recovery & Resiliency

Article by Natalie Franks, M.A. / OTR/L | Contributing author of MHGA’s Thrive Wellness Workbook and Redefine Grace workbook.

Mental health recovery and resiliency!

Have you ever wondered what mental health recovery and resiliency looks like? In a world that craves the overnight fix, is recovery (or resiliency) even possible for the one thing you’ve been told will never go away?

Recovery and resiliency is a process that explores a winding road rather than a linear path. Recovery and resiliency is often an unknown that includes utter dependence upon the Lord. But most importantly, this is a process filled with hope, building self-awareness, growing in resiliency, and learning that you are God’s cherished workmanship!

As you travel through your recovery and resiliency journey, there are a few landmarks along the way that will help you know that you’re moving in the right direction!

1. Community

It has been said that “the common denominator [of mental health recovery] is community” (William Anthony, Boston University). You were created to be in community! Having the support and encouragement of consistent and trusted friends and family can provide you with a stable foundation for your mental health recovery journey.

Tip: Locate a small group in your area that resonates with your interests. There are many offered through various churches. Find 1-2 new ways to connect with friends weekly to develop relationships (phone call, short walk/hike, sporting event, cooking dinner, watching a movie).

2. Renewed Sense of Hope

A renewed sense of hope arises from understanding that you are not defined by your mental health condition or diagnosis. God has a wonderful purpose for your life.  When you look through a lens of hope rather than despair, you have a new strength to face challenges that come your way. Sometimes it’s not just about reminding yourself that God is with you, but what type of God is with you. Jesus is kind, loving, and always patient and joyful when He thinks of you.

Tip: Write down a list of 5-10 attributes of God, or specifically about Jesus. Hold on to this list throughout your day to remind yourself that He is not only fighting for you but also fighting alongside you … so that you can rest in His grace!

3. Healthy Lifestyle

Mental health recovery and resiliency require a whole-health approach. Along with our mental health, it also incorporates our physical, relational, and spiritual health. A great indication of growth in the recovery process is a lifestyle that addresses each area of life.  This may include a healthy diet, consistent exercise, and times throughout the week to learn a new hobby or study a new topic.

Tip: Find one new activity to try this week. Try finding a new walking path, riding your bike to a park to practice relaxation techniques, focus on quality sleep, writing an encouraging letter to a friend, or learning a musical instrument.

4. Resting in Grace

There is constant pressure to do more to fix your stressors or symptoms. Spiritually, you can feel inadequate or not good enough. God doesn’t call you to try harder. Instead, God calls you to come to Him with your heaviness and weariness, and He will give you rest. A great indication of moving along in your recovery and building resiliency is learning to release your desire to perform and accept God’s invitation for you to rest in His grace and His promises over your life.

Tip: Write down 1-3 worries or anxieties that are holding you down. See if there is a specific scripture that provides comfort (not get you to do more for Him). Then, remind yourself, or pray it aloud as an affirmation, that you don’t have to have it all together, you are in His safe process, you have HIs (and now yours, too) resilient grace, and you are making progress.

5. Serving Others

When the journey becomes a winding uphill battle, your eyes can quickly turn inward (it’s normal!). Yet, keep in mind that serving and blessing others has a natural impact on you. God beautifully designed us that way (Proverbs 11:25). So, along the way, begin to find ways to care for and serve others.  Taking a moment to do something for someone else can bring light to your darkest hours.

Tip: Brainstorm 1-3 opportunities to serve in your church or community. It can be anything from picking up trash on a walking path or even serving simple needs on Sunday morning (coffee station, greeter, parking, etc.). Set a goal to find a small way to serve someone each week and see or track how it impacts your overall mood!

What are other landmarks that have encouraged you in your mental health journey? 

Natalie Franks, M.A. / OTR/L | previously worked at The Grace Alliance as a director and was a contributing author of MHGA’s Thrive Wellness Workbook and Redefine Grace workbook.

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