Mental Health Grace Alliance is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization focused on seeing God’s grace transform lives affected by mental health challenges.

Partner with us today to continue our growing impact worldwide.


Grace Alliance Vision*

To see the Grace of God transform lives affected by mental health challenges.

Grace Alliance Mission*

To equip the Body of Christ with evidence-based mental health resources and support to transform lives (science + Scripture).


*A threefold vision + mission

Integrating evidence-based mental health resources and “in Christ” spirituality/faith to:

+ Transform lives (flourishing individuals, couples, families)

+ Equip (mental health training for lay-staff church leaders)

+ Innovate (evolve resources and help innovate a positive mental health culture)

“To love them well.”

Ministering to the broken-hearted (Is. 61:1-3; Matt. 25:35-40) and “making disciples” (Is. 61:4; Matt. 28:18-20).

Grace Alliance Values

Whole-church + Ecumenism: We value involvement and working with a multi-denominational, multi-ethnic, and multi-national community.

Simple + Evidence-based + Scripture (in Christ): Our mental health resources aim to be easy to use and understand, available to everyone, and based on science (evidence-based) and Biblical teachings for good mental health results (whole person wellness and well-being - spiritual formation).

Scriptural Integrity: Our curriculums are designed to align with the dogma of Christian principles — God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The indwelling of Christ by the Holy Spirit is active and involved in the transforming life of the believer — and in the mental health journey.

Collaborative + Innovative: We collaborate with other mental health professionals, organizations, ministries, churches, and institutions to promote positive mental health awareness and support.


Mental Health Grace Alliance was founded because it was an opportunity to change the statistics.

In 2011, the “Grace Alliance” was founded with the mission of providing evidence-based resources for individuals, marriages, and families facing mental health challenges through a grace-filled, Christ-centered approach.

We looked past the problem to see an opportunity … Before 2011 …

  1. The Church was ill-equipped for mental health needs … lack of knowledge and skills from seminary and ministry training programs (still to this day, but slowly changing).

  2. Many Christian mental health books were available, but national/International Christian mental health groups did not exist or were few and local.

  3. Community mental health support groups lacked helpful Christian understanding, and resources, or Christian-focused discussions were not encouraged within the community groups. In addition, some of these groups were good at support, but many lacked growth-orientated principles and tools.

Unfortunately, this lack with many feeling isolated … was an opportunity to help bring change to the Body of Christ.

Grace Alliance incorporated a new way to help the Church leadership and congregants. The models use a whole health and person approach for mental health recovery, trauma healing, resilience, and spiritual renewal. Through Grace Alliance’s user-friendly Christ-centered and evidence-based approach the model provides:

  1. Supportive growth community: Congregants associated with mental health challenges found restorative community growth support.

  2. Supportive pastoral community: Church leaders began to learn, but didn’t have to be psychology experts, and/or try to pastor and meet with everyone individually. Congregants would find a community with in-depth understanding and wisdom from lived experience, often with more insight than many pastoral leaders could offer. Community heals itself.

  3. Supportive church model: The simple community model and resource worked naturally within their Church model, with very or no cost.

  4. Supportive brides with pros: The group model establishes “task-sharing” connections between congregants and mental health professionals, providing community support and growth opportunities.

The remarkable impact of the Grace Alliance programs and training was published in four journals, with results showing:

  1. Participants saw a reduction in mental health symptoms.

  2. Participants were aided in overall mental health recovery and trauma healing.

  3. Participants experienced a renewal of their faith and spirituality.

  4. Training increases confidence and skills to respond and minister to mental health challenges.

MHGA is a 501(c)3 non-profit.

Our donor partners enable Grace Alliance to provide free resources, training, and ongoing group leader support. Additionally, donors help us provide free shipping for every U.S. order and keep our workbooks affordable. Click below to learn more about our donor support.

MHGA is transforming thousands of lives globally!

Since 2011, the Grace Alliance has seen over 1,100 groups (Grace + Thrive Groups) started. On average, 2-3 new groups start every week. Thousands of individuals in all 50 U.S. states and 35+ countries utilize the Grace Alliance resources. Our records from 2017 indicate over 23,000 workbooks have been distributed with almost 90% being used for groups.

Click below to learn more details about MHGA’s purpose and resources.


TV + Radio + Online Interviews and Events

Check out these interviews, events, and articles featuring our Mental Health Grace Alliance team!


Reimagining mental health support into discipleship growth experience (March 2023) — Saddleback Church | Hope for Mental Health

The Role of Faith in Mental Health Recovery — WWJ 950 Interview, Detroit, Michigan

(SPANISH) Conferencia de Joe Padilla sobre la Alianza de la Gracia

The New Mental Health Shift in the Church (Jan. 2023) — Live interactive webinar event by Remedy Live + Lutheran Foundation.

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CBN interview with Joe Padilla | Grace Alliance on mental health during the pandemic.

(Start at 26:00) The Church’s Solution for Mental Health Challenges — Cornerstone Church, Litchfield, MN (click italics — here for Spanish version)






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